In today’s hyper connected world one piece of advice that is being given in all markets is that you- the individual- need to develop a brand. You should brand yourself.

Somehow in the information seas that we swim in daily there should be a confluence of elements that when see conjure the essence of you when you are not present.

The mega companies among us have brands that are easily recognizable through millions and often billions of dollars of advertising saturating mass media sometimes for decades.

You are a person. You are not a company that has been given human rights. You may be a person trying to start a company. You may be a person who wants to make a living doing what you love.

You have the right to be uniquely human. You may not have decades to establish yourself after you decide what it is you want to do. You may not have millions or billions of dollars in advertizing. Your market may not be the masses.

This is where I can help.

I work with artists, crafts-people, do-it-yourself folks and small business owners to create your unique recognizable and controlled presence on the internet.

A website. A portal. A multimedia portfolio. A social media map.

My work is simple, interactive where appropriate, dynamic and scaleable.

You are a person who spends more time than the average bear pursuing your passion. You want to share your work but not have the business of sharing overshadow what you want to share.

Simple. Interactive. Dynamic. Scaleable. Affordable.

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