For the past four years I’ve been teaching photography. I love working with young minds, I love that as a teacher you are expected to constantly learn new things about your subject to bring contemporary relevance to your subject and for me this also sparks my creativity. Each semester I assign a portraiture project and I try to assign a fine art portraiture project or a self portraiture project. Although I try to cover the same basic skills each semester, the assignments vary depending on the skill level and interest areas of my students. This semester we moved ahead quickly with our mechanics and I was able to assign a self-portraiture project. Here was the assignment:

A self-portrait is not a selfie.
For this first self-portraiture assignment, you will need to learn to use the timer on your camera. Read your camera manual to find this information. For this assignment, you will turn in 3 images and your behind the scenes images so we can see your set-up.

1. A well-lit self-portrait, using only natural lighting, showing your face and at least one of your eyes, looking at the camera, from your shoulders and above.
2. A creative self-portrait that shows me “you” without showing me your face. (no nudity, no lighting restrictions)
3. A self-portrait in a reflective surface of any kind. (There are so many more reflective surfaces than mirrors!)

Remember to plan your location, clothing, props and lighting. Take several behind the scenes images so we can see your set-up.  Do not delete any images from your SD card as you attempt this project. I am interested in both your process and your product.

You will download and edit your images in class using Adobe Lightroom- after Spring Break.  [details of moving images removed for brevity] This will be your first editing assignment after Spring Break.

I’ve included some articles here for inspiration. Yes, you can remix and use any of the creative concepts you see in the examples given as long as they fall within the parameters listed above in #1-#3.

I’ve included some articles and videos for inspiration. Choose two articles to read and one video to watch before you begin. You will cite these when you post your final work after editing in class.

Have fun!!

The images here are my first attempt at completing the assignment- as assigned to my students. Natural lighting, in my living room.  I used a camera remote app to take the images. 
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