How might I design to encourage these moves?

(referencing the Agency By Design Maker Capacities and their “moves’ document)

This has to be intentional. When planning a lesson I usually start with the skills or concepts I want the students to engage with then plan backward from there. (Curriculum By Design) The intentionality in the lesson planning for me reads like a script- where I intentionally use certain techniques (reading aloud, etc.) to introduce the lesson, introduce the concepts and then the activity which I hope will lead to the understanding or experience I have planned.

Language from Nick- break the whole but make sure the kids have all the pieces so at the end of the lesson they have all the pieces to make the whole that I intended.

How might I capture the moves in action?

This makes me think about documentation- who is documenting and for why? Why do I need to capture the moves is my first question. Who am I capturing these moves for? What will I do with these captures when I’m done? I’m not sure I need to capture the moves- the most important part is that they are happening and that I have observed them happening. I find that having time right after my class to review and reflect on the lesson/activity of the day is very very helpful- my personal reflections as a teacher about my process and also ‘how it went’- did the students achieve the understanding I was seeking? If so, was this challenging enough?

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